Never Forget

by XxXKristie MarieXxX   Feb 25, 2007

Never Forget
By: Kristie Martinez

I'm in love with this boy
he is so wonderful
I'm so glad I have him
But I will never do what so many do
Neglect their best friends
Friends are always there for you
and share laughs and tears
show up anytime and
every time you need them
they never lie to you,
always give you their honest opinion
when you ask them too
always want you to be happy
so I'll always trust them
and never forget what they mean to me
so never forget those friends
Mine mean the world and so much more
I love them and
I will always keep them close to me


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  • 16 years ago

    by Andrew

    Wow this is good, friends mean the world to me too, i can always do anything to keep a friends happy.. Good work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael

    Hey i like this a lot, its very respectable...=)

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