Ode to a fallen hero

by Independence Forever   Feb 26, 2007

So will die a hero who helped shake the earth
a natural born hero, straight from his birth

he lived during the depression, lived a good plain life
he fought on the beaches of Normandy, with his knife

he built my house, with his bare hands
dynamite aided him by blowing up the lands

he's strong as an ox, but he's dying still
by a nasty cancer, maybe this is God's will

he gave us many fond memories, lots to share
do i blame God? no, for i know he does care

is it right to keep him here? i think it selfish of me
but i foresee that God's motives some don't care to see

he will not die of bullet wounds, or from old age
but from pancreatic cancer, rubbing out life's page

when he does die, i know i will be in the thick of funeral plans
for i am the family church goer, they trust my spirituality spans

my hero supports me, even though earth's future is bleak
to take charge of anything, i find i am at best really meek

am i worthy of such a high task? maybe i am
but i know my hero did the same for uncle Sam

what makes my hero so great? is it his role in war, or in life's dismal space
no, it is much deeper, i cannot even begin to explain, only heaven's place

to my great grandpa Louis Frants, who served in Africa, Italy, and northern France in world war II. this is for you grandpa, your love and support helps me move mountains


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Squeezy

    Sweet! good job davey and go davey's granpa.

  • 18 years ago

    by LithiumSacrifice

    5/5 that is an excellent poem. absolutly wonderful. I couldnt stop reading after the 1st two lines. =] it reminds me of.. nvm =[

    its wonderful... im sorry about your great grandpa. Its better to remember the great and not the pain. Its a really good poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Becky

    Wow this poem is sad yet it makes you feel good. So many great people go unrecognized, but not this man. You put alot of emotion into this poem and you can feel that as you read it. Great job. 5/5

    lots of love

  • 18 years ago

    by Amber

    Your relationship with your grandfather sounds wonderful. You speak highly of him and I can see your respect and love. Wonderful Poem

  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    Very well written and what a blessing you must be to your grandpa i bet he is so proud of you..