As my broken body falls to pieces on the floor, my mind, crumbling beneath my sorrows
I give in to the fear and hatred consuming me
My soul, nothing more now than an empty spirit that was once happy and innocent.
I lay awake at night and cry for the girl I used to be, jealous of the life in her eyes and laughter on her lips
I want to be that girl again
But he brought me down; shattered my soul and made it impossible to be whole again.
He held me to the fire of sadness and depression, the fires wash over me empowering the love I held in my heart
Blood runs deep, envy runs deeper.
Hatred sews pain; my sanity is its reaper. For as they say what you sew you shall you reap
I bow my head down and pray to God, my soul and heart to heal and in his presence keep
I prayed for a new life, a new heart and a new soul in hopes that I could
Forgive and let my body live once again as the girl I used to be.
I asked for hope, God sent me you, I asked to be loved again and here you are… my answer to my prayer. I am forgiven.