A Late Night Apology

by XSugarSexSuicideX   Feb 26, 2007

I'm truly sorry,
It was my fault,
We got into trouble
Because of me.
I don't mean
To always call so late,
I didn't mean
To get us in this deep,
It was all a mistake,
But now it's too late,
Now I have to say
Goodbye, forever.
I don't know
When I'm going to
See you again,
I have no idea
When I'm going to
Talk to you again,
I cannot imagine
When I'm going to
Touch you again.
And this could be
The last time I call you
Late at night, or
Early in the mornng,
Because I'm not
In trouble anymore.
Now, I'm operating
On pure hated guilt,
And I have to make
A decision,
One that could
Shape the rest of my life,
And I think I made
The wrong choice.
I'm losing strength,
I cannot see,
I'm losing brains,
I'm fading,
I'm losing you,
And along with that,
I'm losing myself.
So I'm sending you
A late night apology,
I know you'll understand,
And maybe, dear,
You'll wait for me.
I'll hold you in my heart,
Even if you choose
To leave,
I'll keep my heart shut
To everyone but you,
Even if it means that
I will miss out,
I no longer care.
When I can't hear your voice,
I'll play it in my head,
When I can't see your smile,
I'll feel it instead,
When I need to feel your touch
I'll just lay in my bed
And just believe
That you're laying there.
I can get by
Without hearing your voice,
It's a skill I've had to learn,
I can wait for
Four more years,
Until they all believe
We're ready.
I can make them believe
That I've forgotten,
But I can't let myself forget
The hugs,
The kisses,
The talks,
The love,
Who would want to forget it?
So I'm sorry,
For everything,
And though this may be
The last time we talk,
Know in your heart,
That we still look up
At the same night sky,
We still feel each other
Every night
And every morning,
We still love,
We still care,
We still show
That we're still there,
Tonight, this night,
I apologize,
And I hope that you will
Understand my cries.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Marcus

    Hold on tight. We can pull through this. You may have stepped in some poison ivy this week, but I have the salve, and we'll get you better as quickly as we can.

  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    What's going on dear? Are you and Marcus okay?...