Twilight Fantasy

by Twisted Heart   Feb 26, 2007

I'm sitting on the tip of God's fingernail tonight
Dipping in the darkness from the moon that's shining bright
Swirling at the dusty path that scans the Milky Way
Scattering the stars that Mother Nature has displayed.

Along the moonbeams shadow I now put my feet to flight
And dust the sparkles with my bottom as I slide into the light
Capturing the twirling tail of songs, sung by the wind
Ever searching for the place where pixie dreams begin.

The peaceful melancholy voice that whisper so serene
Stirs the sparks of stardust in the night that fairies bring
Upon the crest of loveliness lies just a simple glow
For fantasy to linger in the souls of those who know.

Small wonders in the minds of all that tarry on this night
Upon the sweet surrender of the moments burning bright
Is it really magic that the moon has cast with beams
Or maybe it is just alive in hearts that dare to dream


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  • 15 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I hope or rather I think that I'm one among those who have hearts that dare to dream. I've been called a dreamer one to many time. I take it as a complement every time. Are you left handed. Just curious. love this poem. perfect rhyme and rythem. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Barry

    I like this poem............

  • 17 years ago

    by Fan Angeleo

    This flows great, excellent work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Fran

    Such wonderful imagery that really stirs the imagination. the very first line conjurs up such a vivid picture. Well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by The Sky is Falling

    Dipping in the darkness from the moon that's shining bright
    Swirling at the dusty path that scans the Milky Way
    Scattering the stars that Mother Nature has displayed.

    I loved these lines, they described to me the Milky Way in my mind, I also loved this poem, it's different but I loved it. Amazing poem, keep up the great work 5/5