Comments : Unbreak My Heart

  • I like it, seems a little forced and the rhythm seems a little out of order but other then that the message is clear and it's very genuine. Great Job Overall :D

    -Emia Rose

  • 18 years ago

    by marcelah

    I really liked the flow, but some lines were a bit awkward. Real great job though.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    This was so sad...yet such a beautiful write.
    The emotion overpowered me when I was readig this,and that last stanza was such a beautiful, bittersweet ending.
    I love it!

  • 17 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    It's so sad & sweet at the end... the last line is my fave.

    In RE to "My Shoes": I hope you like competition, 'cause you're getting it! ;) May the best poet win ^_^ Thank you for your comment... I'm glad you liked reading!

  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    5/5. This one is amazing. The flow was such a great thing in this. It spoke to me like a book. All of you guys's poems speak to me! Great write. Thanks for entering the contest.

  • 17 years ago

    by Rebecca

    Yeahh that was good !!! you should neverr ever let a guy break your heart i would of laughed in his face what a jerk haha nice poem i love it

  • 17 years ago

    by Jade

    Very good!! xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Kristina

    This is really good! you did a great job writing this poem! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by shyaners

    Gosh I really really like it. It fits my situation right now. Good work :)

  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Aw. This is so sad. But, so very beautifully written. It flowed really really well & nothing seemed force. It was very descriptive, as well. It was so deep & powerful. Really touched my heart.

    Spelling mistakes:

    A part of my would die [my should be 'me'].

    But I can see that it was touble from the start. [touble should be 'trouble'].

    Favorite stanza:

    I want to tell you not to leave,
    But I can see that it was touble from the start.
    So now as I watch you walk away,
    I whisper, "Unbreak My Heart."

    ^ This was just so captivating. Ah. I can't even explain it. I loved these lines. The very last line.. absolutely amazing!!

    Beautifully penned, babe.

    Bri x

  • 17 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    COMMENT # 2

    wow.. i LOVE this poem... the word choice is wonderful... beautiffully expressed emotion .. however in this line "A part of my would die." i think you meant [me] not "my"