Have you

by ♥ Rejekted   Feb 26, 2007

Have you ever looked inside a mirror
and hated what you've seen
curled up inside your bed and said
just a few more years of being a teen.
have you ever locked your self
inside your room and screamed until
you couldnt anymore
cried so hard that your legs gave out
and you fell to the floor
have you ever sat inside your room and
wish to live a differant life
because the life your living now just has
beenfull of strife
Have you ever felt like nobody cares
no body's ever really there
All they do is bring you down
and when you need them to be there for you
there's no body ever around.
have you ever just felt so torn inside?
Or curled yourself up in a ball and just cried?
Cried until you had no more tears to cry
Or sat in your room all day, wishing to die.


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  • 18 years ago

    by broken

    Omg this was perfect i was looking for a peom to fit how i felt and this was it!
    thank you so much for writing it!!!