Unexplained love pain and reason

by John Fleece   Feb 27, 2007

I sit here reading and thinking
"But if i take a chance I have high hopes that can get crushed"
I'm sorry, the truth is......I do love you
But will it last forever? I don't Know....
" I don't want to take a chance if there's a possibility of getting hurt"
" I hate those odds, I want something solid to build off! not an unstable foundations to take chances with"
My past sins and deeds are great, I've lied, I've cheated, but I'm changing, for the better....
I've been here before, we've been here many times
how many times I've tried, how many No's you replied
I want you in my arms, I want to protect you, I want to show you, I'm not the one I was before
But still remember I'm still clueless, I'm lost and your intellect baffles me at times, and I never truly understand you, but that what compels me even more to you....
3,2,1! Commitment seems a problem on both sides, but me most likey....
"I don't like adventure or surprise"
hold on because this is going to be a wild ride
"What makes it great that he might love me for a bit then leave?"

Now tell me this readers. Is it my fault for being the pain or is it hers for not taking the chance?

Think about it


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  • 17 years ago

    by Spirit

    Good poem i had a fight with someone before and i never really wanted to give in to it. eventually i learned to let it go and leave the past behind.

    see if that helps.
    Sam Mayo

  • 17 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Friendship is a good thing. Don't rush it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Ana

    It is not who's fault that remains the committed question but who dares take the chance.

    Don't let her go if you believe all this pain to be worth it

  • 18 years ago

    by PygmyPuff

    Wow, such imagery...I can feel as though I am witnessing this argument. The structure begins to taper a bit half way through, but its still very good.

    * 5/5*
