More than Words Can Say

by Destiny Marie Babyy   Feb 27, 2007

I have had many love interests before,
But with you I have no knowledge of what's in store.
I had no idea that we would become this attached, but to my dismay.
You mean more to me than words can say.

I never ever will want to be with someone other than you.
Our love means more to me than words can speak of true.
With this, our love, I want it all to stand still, to stay.
You mean more to me than words can say.

All I want to do is to be near you all of the time.
I think of you at the hour the clock always rings a chime.
I wan to see you all seconds of the day.
You mean more to me than words can say.

My heart melts when you say three little words.
They are, "I Love You!" I wonder if they are carried by birds.
But as always these words stay true up to this day,
You really do mean to me than words can say.


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  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    The last stanza didnt workk for me i donkt know why try not saying :they are..bc everyone kows what "those three little words are" so its liek your telling us somethign we already know...otherwise great stuff. keep it up.
