by HisForeverIWillBe   Feb 27, 2007

You were the one i could talk to,
you were the one i could trust,

i can believe you would do this to me,
and its all because she said you must,

i would always stand up for you no matter what,
and i lost 2 people who meant the world to me so we could be friends,

all she had to do was say she loved you,
and that was it that was the end,

you told me you would never hurt me,
you said you would never lie,

but you did lie and you did hurt me,
and when she came around all you did was make me cry,

when she was near i would leave,
and you just acted as tough i wasn't there,

and now i know who my true friends,
so why do you sitar,

why at me when you sould at her,
it hurts for me to even think that i once knew you,

so does she love you?? does she hurt you and make you cry,
and does she know you like i did or is your life,your love,your relation ship just a lie,???


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  • 18 years ago

    by WhenItWasMe

    Hey this is good but i dont understand it.... comment mine...

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