Noones Puppet

by ASPHYXIATED   Feb 27, 2007

Take my hand but don't control me,
Live your life and I'll live mine,
You're in my reach and yet I'm lonely,
Our friendship's walking a fine line,
Show the way but don't mislead me,
Give me power don't drain me dry,
Care for me but don't go crazy,
Don't over use but don't go shy,
Be my eyes if my vision fails me,
I'll be your limbs if you're paralyzed,
But most of all now listen baby,
It's a sin to ignore your lovers cries.


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  • 17 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Short, yet straight to the point!
    The end got me straight to the heart!
    Keep it up love.

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    OMG That spoke to my soul, really it was well written, and displayed deep strong emtion, the word choice was absoulty perfect, I loved this it was my favorite one by you so far, please keep writting, and I will keep reading. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Awww thats really short and sweet. nice ending x x x take kare x x x