Comments : Why Can't I Show The Real Me*

  • 18 years ago

    by Perfection

    Wow I could find myself in this one... It was writen very well, the rhyming was good as well. The only thing i saw unfit were the 2 first lines...

    Never the less this poem was truly excelent so there is no doubt about the rating in my mind =).

    Take care ..

  • 18 years ago

    by LithiumSacrifice

    Well worded. to the point. simple. excellent. 5/5 liked it. i know what thats like.. im out of it now and i dont care =]

    take care you

  • 18 years ago

    by Annabel

    Most people feel like this at some point, i know i do! That was a really sad poem though, well done xxxx 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by SmileeItsBritt

    This is very good... one thing though. I know it sucks to be someone you arent...but at least on this site you CAN explain how you feel you know? Im here if you need anything!