Rolemodel for love

by Holly   Feb 28, 2007

I cant recall how many times i think about him every night before i go to bed.
Sometimes i cry because i know that he doesn't love me and he loves another girl.
So i think to myself why do i even bother trying anymore if he doesn't love me.
My best friend has a boyfriend and they are the cutest couple ever.
They both care about each other.
And then i look at my sister and she has a friend but they both like each other and care about each other and i look up to my sister and friends for the things i need and i hope that the guy i like would treat me that way.
But all he wants to be is friends and i want to be more but that alright with me.
So now we will be just friends.


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  • 18 years ago

    by true lover

    OMGosh holly that is so good ILY holls! u r the best!