by katXcore   Feb 28, 2007

Behind her happiness,
Behind her mask of lies,
There is a girl who cries.
She cries tears of sadness, shame, & sorrow.

Behind the makeup,
Behind the smile,
Lies the girl that is beaten & torn.
Her wrists show the scars of her mistakes.

Behind all her friends,
Behind all the people that "care".
Lies the backstabbing people
That she will always fear.

Behind who she thinks she is
And who she will be,
Lies the real girl,
Crying out for help.
Waiting for a hand to reach out,
Waiting to be picked up off her feet.


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  • 17 years ago

    by why is life so miserable

    O.m.g. lov3s this po3m alot gr3at job 5/5
    =========cynthia m. X]

  • 18 years ago

    by Allisha Fox

    Very good. 5/5. i can relate so much

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is so good. i can defiantly relate to what you wrote about. the poem flowed so nicely and i like the way you wrote it. keep it up! you have talent! 5/5
