Still Standing Still

by Surfeador Ki@   Feb 28, 2007

How did this happen, where did it go wrong? There are so many things I want to say, so many things I feel I should do, so why is it that I am still standing still?

Sitting here like I'm dead no words, no movement, nothing at all. I feel all numb in side and it is all because I left you standing there with nothing to lean on. I thought I was being strong, thought that I could move on, then why am I still standing here? Still standing still?

Confused and unsure, can't think straight this is not me so why can’t I just forget? Forget the love I had for him and leave it in the past? Forget and go on like there is nothing wrong? I've done it time and time again so why cant I this time?

I need to pick up the pieces and just go on. In my mind I know that its right but my heart has a part missing, so I'm still standing here and thinking of him. I know I need to pick myself up and dust off my past experience and take the one step that starts my new journey.


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  • 18 years ago

    by I Miss Him

    Kia!!!...IM me if ur allowed or email me...

    love ya girlie,

  • 18 years ago

    by I Miss Him

    Same here...ive felt this way 1 time and it was painful.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kenneth

    Thanks for the comment and this is a good poem too... i know someone it fits... it does to me somewhat too

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