Letting you go

by WhiTneY   Feb 28, 2007

Letting You Go
I know not what to say, and where to place my heart.
I honestly loved you straight from the start.

With love came pain, and with pain came tears.
I never thought it would end after so many years.

I thought I could trust you to always be on my side.
When you told me about her I sat there and cried.

I finally got up the nerve to tell you something straight from the heart.
After telling you this, I didn't expect my world to fall apart.

Things became obstacles. Love became a game.
I was the loser. My love and pride were put to shame.

Although I didn't succeed, I gave it my all.
And although I was hurt, I will always stand tall.

You can't let a pebble drag you down to a stop.
So I can't keep thinking this is all my fault.

ALl I was doing was letting you know,
and now all you are doing is letting me go.

I know you have but what am I to do?
Am I supposed to give up, stop caring for you?

God put you here for a reason, and I thought I knew the one,
but I guess I was wrong now that you and I are done.

You have succeeded in making me cry.
It's hard to hold back tears, but I know I have to try.

I have to get over you, I have to move on.
I have to let go, let our memories be gone.

I can't keep blaming myself for my broken heart.
It's not my fault; you are the one that tore it apart.

I have to move on so far away from you.
You got me to a place where I don't know what to do.

You talked me through everything, every step of the way.
You said never take anyhting for granted; never look past today.

Don't waste your time on unneeded things.
Don't ever let a guy play your heart as a game.

Well evidently, you were unneeded, your love was wasted time.
And of course you didn't take you own advise, because the heart you played was mine.

One day I will forgive you, atleast I think I will.
Then one day you will hurt me again and my heart will have to re-heal.

I wasn't looking for a broken-heart, I wasn't looking for tears,
but after my heart broke, and the tears fell, I know now what to do after all these years.

* I wrote this for my now ex that i loved for like 4 years... It's over now... Man I miss him!


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  • 5 out of 5 good job! keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Mukhunthan.G

    I liked it a lot, the poem showcases ur sadness in a very expressive way. i feel sorry for the person who missed you. he missed you to make you realise he is not worth ur love. there is someone on this earth to hold you.

  • 18 years ago

    by DeMoNiC aNgEl

    WoOw i loved this poem you expressed your emotions so well... i though i was in your poso=tion. really gret poem captured everything perfectly 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueAngel

    I really enjoyed this poem. I think you captured the feelings you felt completely. A reader feels your pain to a degree with every word you expressed in a way that allows them to stop and be thankful of the love they have now or even had at some time. So many people dont appreciate what they have until it's gone, but for the ones of us who do, we feel pain like no other. Im sorry that this person hurt you, but im glad that you could express that hurt to all of us readers through poetry. Some of the most heartfelt poems, are the ones without a happy ending.