Comments : The Last Poem I Will Ever Write For Her

  • 18 years ago

    by Allisha Fox

    Very good. i like it alot. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Oh D....this poem tho sad was very well written. So much emotion poured into this poem. The imagery was sad, yet uplifting as the reader has the ability to move on with you through your words. We are all here for you anytime you need us!

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow Darien that was incredible. I could feel the tares in your heart as I read it. I could feel all the hurt and pain your pored into those words and they are wonderful. Negative experiences, though they bite and feel bitter long afterward, can also help us go one step closer to who we want to be, or at least I think so. It makes you stronger and wiser from a bit of hard experience. Again, an amazing poem Darien.


  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    Aaah this is heartbreaking... The imagery was fantastic!

    "You've got those cursed tasteless lips
    That chapped to the touch of a real kiss"
    ^^^ Love the wording here. Excellent, yet sad piece.

  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    Whoa, this is a good one. I loved it! It didn't have to rhyme to convey such feelings. The way it flowed and the wording was awesome.
    Fav line:
    Last night I wrote a poem for you princess

    I don't know why, but I love it!

  • 18 years ago

    by kRiStIe LeA

    I really like this one, I'm sorry about that girl.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gothic Princess

    Darien this is utterly amazing. the raw emotion and love, thought it is probably fiction from your still hits close to home for anyone who has ever loved someone and had them love another. beautfully written!!

  • 18 years ago

    by debbylyn

    Nicely done. Love the imagery....

    "You've got those cursed tasteless lips
    That chapped to the touch of a real kiss"

    Awesome lines! All the best, Debbie

  • 18 years ago

    by christina marie


    Oh boy. This piece was, by far, MY FAVORITE, of your pieces. Ever. No lie. Ahh. Where to start, eh? Well, amazing flow, grand structure. The piece fit perfectly together. You didn't throw in small details like everyone else does, just to make a poem longer. =sighs= I was hooked right from the title. OHYESIWAS.

    Being a senior member =beams= I was scanning through contest nominations, I saw the title, and I just HAD to read this. So as I read, the way I read and pronounce things, this pieced rhymed, and di not rhyme, simultaneously! Astounding, babe.

    Collecting all the things we once had
    Material possessions and faded memories
    The pictures are torn down the middle
    And thrown into an open fire to burn

    ^^ My favorite stanza. Write more. I look forward to reading more of your poems. [:


  • 18 years ago

    by just*some*gurl

    Was an amazing poem and an emotional yet gentle way to tell your girl goodbye
    i thought it was amazing

  • 18 years ago

    by Aussie

    Sad but angery what a mix. amazing how u ended with a peaceful:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    This is amazing.. I can feel all the anger and frustration and hurt yet it didn't come out in a spiteful way like u wished harm on this person, only that you wanted it to stop and now you just want them to leave. Wonderful I really liked this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gary Jurechka

    This is great-and so reminiscent of some 'last poems' I have wrote myself in attempts to bring closure. Burning pictures, letters, memories is like a freeing exorcism of what once was. This poem has sadness, love, loss, despair and yet also determination and hope. It is written well with excellent flow, well expressed emotion and an ending reassuring that life (and love) goes on and you seem prepared to meet the future with that in mind and heart. Very touching.
    Peace, Love, Poetry & Power,
    Gary Jurechka

  • 18 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Extremely amazing.
    This is the first piece of writing I've read by you. Personally, I'm left speechless & rare does that ever happen. It was extremely well penned. & now I'm off to read the rest of your poems. Because I really loved this one. Reminds me of something I did to an ex. You're an amazing writer, keep up the great work.

  • 18 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    There, I saw your face in the fireplace
    As it melted to the touch of the flames
    I smile to myself as your body deforms
    When the photographic paper crumples up

    ^ OMG.. I loved that.. So beautiful. I can see this all in my head..

    This was so very strong. I could feel the anger & hurt in this. Wow. So powerful, hun.

    As my back turns to your face I walk away
    ^ This line kinda threw me off.. I think it'd flow better if you put a comma [,] after face. That's just me though :]

    Beautifully penned, hun.

    Bri [x]

  • 18 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    You are so strong, my dear. This is very heartfelt and moving - truly a majestic tribute to surviving.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lithium

    My breathe has been taken away this is a fantasic piece, deep and meaningful yet full of sorrow and lost love, a subject that appeals to me for many reasons, again a wonderfully expressed poem all the best take care lithium.

  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    This poem has a lot of emotion but it is all around beautiful

  • Oh wow...this is so...emotion is extremely strong nice work....5/5

  • Oh wow...this is so...emotion is extremely strong nice work....5/5