Paradise Seed

by Tricky Daze   Feb 28, 2007

Looking at your smile when you're sleeping
You look happy with me honey,you always so nice
Looking to the sky and with myself I'm talking
Seeing a bright star,whispering this is our seed of paradise'

When I love someone,it wouldn't work out
Everybody gossips,doing like they're God
But I understand that It's different when I look into eyes
I see that light or I mean our seed of paradise

Don't look at me like that,I will always be with you
Don't matter if it's here or there,It's just my lifetime due
It will become a tree that I can use it to rise
I will climb up to the heaven by,our seed of paradise


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  • 17 years ago

    by rene

    Wonderful, write alot of love poems i see, i write alot of dark ones, were two side of a split heart arent we?
    great poem, ill be reading more.

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    Aw hun. that really came from the hear didnt it? it was gorgeous. well done

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    Great job again and again heartfelt it flows well words fit wonderfully keep up your great great great work

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is really good. It flowed really nicely together. && was wonderfuly worded. You did such a great job on it! 5/5
