I saw you hiding behind those beautiful eyes.
I wanted to invite you to Periwinkle Paradise.
But I was scared you wouldn't be pleased.
You were so pretty and You always teased.
I wished I could get my eyes to shine like that.
You were so adorable even if you were a brat.
I was so shy but wanted to play with you.
If only my eyes could sparkle a shade of blue.
Oh, my eyes were just a blue as your's were.
But my eyes had seen Grey and would blur.
I was fascinated by the gleam in your eyes.
I wanted to meet you in Periwinkle Paradise.
How you would try to be free and flirt.
But there was too much pain and it hurt.
You brought me such wonderful joy.
It made me so happy to be just a boy.
But that was long ago and so far away.
For some reason I thought of you, today.
I imagine us in azure skies and cream pies
frolicking together in Periwinkle Paradise.