
by bubenfest   Mar 1, 2007

No memories of you,
nothing to recall.
a mere presence of everything you are.
a little hole growing smaller,
blackness filled with hope
of a presence from beyond.

the childish part in me;
belief in marvelous thing
a fairytale told within my soul
risen over time,
formed and molded to a shapeless form.
my dream’s safe with you.

the distance, a step at a time,
an illusion easily overcome.
my heart longs for everything you already gave.
the mindless self indulgence, of your presence.
I long for everything in you,
because you will be my memory.


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  • 18 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    I like this poem alot, It is really quite fabulous. I like how you used good long words but also know what you are talking about at the same time. I think though with your tittle, you went abit of track perhaps? maybe you need to change your name to something like "I long For Everything In You" or "Memory" you get the drift. I like it though so very deep and truthful, good luck and good work,

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