Toward Solid Ground

by Maddie   Mar 1, 2007

You're swimming in my heart
You're drowning in my head
My heart wants to love you
The rest wants you dead
Why can't I decide
Why can't I make up my mind
If I let you go and jump into the world
What will I find
Will it be happy
Or will it be sad
Will I be happy
Or will I be mad
So much uncertainty comes with you
But in the real world
I wouldn't know what to do
You are safe though not always kind
But the way i love you can't be defined
So in my head thoughts of hate will drown
And in my heart you'll keep swimming
Toward solid ground


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Maddie

    This was written in about 10 minutes... my bf and had broken up a while ago and i was missing him a lot that night. i sat down with a pencil and it just poured out of me...

  • 18 years ago

    by Angel Of Death

    Aww.. this poems beautiful,
    i love it, heaps well written =]
    keep writtin