Song of Songs

by sibyllene   Mar 1, 2007

Your lips, they are too fierce for this earth,
showering grace and inciting devotion.
The grace of your eyes, from living marble sculpted,
they are cast with the shadows of Heaven, too
heady in their cool depths.
The smooth line of your nose is noble, finer than gold.
The strong and soft give of your skin,
man of my heart,
it is better than velvet to me, more lustrous than
honey-polished wood, more
enticing than silk.

Too much, this bright external beauty, to
match the mud and dust from which we spring.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    The poem is perfect but I need some help from you on how have you chosen song of songs as the heading. I love the wordings in this piece. wow 5/5 please smile 4 me by readin my 'fart is an art'

    With love

  • 18 years ago

    by Cattiebrie

    Thought I would check in with the whats up and was not disappointed! love how you are not cliche! love your vocabulary, not your everyday fawning love poem, truly enjoyable, and worth reading again and again.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    That was a great poem. I loved the rhythm and flow. The emotion put behind the words allowed for the reader to really enjoy the writing.