Colors of Emotion

by NashvilleBlues   Mar 1, 2007

These tears won't stop falling down my face,
gathering in an ocean at my feet.
I know I'm not the one to blame for them,
It's you,
Or is it me?
So many words left unsaid,
drowning in my silenced words,
I'm trying ever so desperately to tread.
I glance over at you,
hoping to catch your gaze,
Your eyes are so easy to get lost in,
They make me want to lose myself forever.
Could my eyes do the same for you?
Because in all these tears cascading down my face,
I could certainly get lost too.
If I could describe what I'm feeling in just one hue,
Why it would be red!!
Wait! Blue!
Red is a color of passion and strength,
Black is the unknown, a mystery, and a lying fate.
Blue is a color that speaks the truth,
Calmness, happiness - what I feel when I'm with you.
So I guess it's a reddish-blackish-blueish kind of hue.
But I'd be lying if I didn't include the color green.
The terrible, monstrous color of my envy.
The only thing I want for you is to be happy,
And you are.
So why do I feel this way?
Why am I jealous?
Why am I filled with all this.....greenness?
I know what it is,
I'm just scared to say it,
Though I so desperately want to scream and shout it.
I've fallen.
Not over something,
But I've fallen for you.
However, you don't seem to notice,
You seem to be blind,
Something is blocking your view from these feelings of mine.
All this pain that I'm feeling,
I know my feelings are true,
But I can't handle it anymore,
Tell me there's a way
I can stop feeling this way about you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    I really like

    Red is a color of passion and strength,
    Black is the unknown, a mystery, and a lying fate.
    Blue is a color that speaks the truth,
    Calmness, happiness - what I feel when I'm with you.
    So I guess it's a reddish-blackish-blueish kind of hue.

    It was really well written like a story perhaps thel ines were perfectly laid out well done

    xxx alex xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by here with u

    Aww thats really good! so sad but so true, keep up the good work :)