What it's like to loose your pain...

by XXXrusted silverXXXwas nvr good enough to be goldXXX   Mar 1, 2007

What can be done,
When you no longer feel,
When you lost what you had left,
Because you just can't heal?

What is it like to loose your pain,
To take on life as Novocain?

A blade no longer stings,
You loose desire to cry,
A hug looses it's warmth,
There's no guilt when you lie.

Happy is a distant memory,
You can't enjoy sensation,
Hope lives in a time unknown,
You don't recall temptation.

It's a life lived numb,
It's an early grave,
But you can't be angry,
Because there's nothing left to save.

There's no ups and downs,
Time just rolls on,
Each moment flows into the next,
Your spirit's totally gone.

Yet, you can do anything,
Because there is no fear,
But achievements aren't enjoyed,
There's nothing you hold dear.

This is what it's like,
Loosing all your pain,
To be nothing at all,
To be like Novocain.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    It was good I didnt really understnad some of it but it was alright I liked this it was sad

  • 17 years ago

    by Colby

    I dont know it was good but a little weird haha the whole Novacain thing... but it all made sense dont get me wrong. Good job and keep up the good work 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    Omg.. i absolutely loved this!!! i wanted to paste down which verse i liked best but i couldnt choose just one. they were all perfect!!! well done hun

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by Megamidget3

    Very good flow. i like it. keep it up and keep it real!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is really good. i think you did a great job on writing it. it's sad, but full with emotion. keep it up! 5/5


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