Georgia Skies

by BeautifulxMess   Mar 1, 2007

Like a dream, it's a place that you can't forget.
The wind blowing through your face and hair.
The smell of the emerald grass and trees.
And the birds that sing from every where.

I miss the wide open fields out my back door.
The long road that fades away at a country mile.
Standing below the spacious skies of Georgia.
6 years old staring at the clouds with a smile.

For a moment everything is wonderful and great.
The world seems at peace with in essence.
I wonder why it can't always be this way.
Warm and bewildering as a sun's kiss.

Mudding with my father; laughing with joy.
Having mud hug my toes and around my face.
Father slows down because it's way too fast for me.
And it's all worth getting dirty to make my heart race.

The Georgia's rains were strong but satisfying.
The tears of God fall down and from the sky.
Angels fight the mist as the thunder rumbles.
And the lighting strikes everything in it's sight.

The night was an enchanted sight to see.
It was a black sky with white beauty stars.
The stars twinkled and danced in your eye.
And you could see a billion jewels afar.

When everything seemed to fall out of place.
The clouds, stars and moon were my eyes.
The country was a place I cannot brush away.
And there's no better cure than the Georgia skies.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Thrax

    That was beautiful. It really made me imagine the beauty of Georgia, and what I envision the entire South to be like. Thank you for increasing my romanticized view of the South =P

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    Again! You are wonderful with descriptions! Each poem of yours that I read is just wonderful, really! This one has to be one of my favorites. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Absolutely wonderful!! Memories of childhood and under the Georgia sky nonetheless. I too live in Georgia and love it here. A beautiful write. Great Job.

  • 17 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    It's a beautiful topic. You reminded me that I need to start writing nature poems again lol. You may want to edit your poems. Some words are one word instead of two like "everywhere"

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Beautiful poem :) Sweet memories from chilhood. Nothing can replace them.

    The night was an enchanted sight to see.
    It was a black sky with white beauty stars.
    The stars twinkled and danced in your eye.
    And you could see a billion jewels afar.

    Take Care Cindy