Don't Wait

by Silentblond   Mar 1, 2007

I stare at the shadow
As it draws near
It drinks up my sorrow
But pushes out that tear
The tear of tomorrow
And how today never did end
How when there is pain
We all just pretend
That everything is Ok
But really is it ever?
Will we ever find freedom?
That precious treasure?
I pray
But is it really me
Or is it someone
Who I pretend to be?
I'm stuck in the middle
My answer still unsaid
But why am I waiting?
Tomorrow I may be dead!
My life is like gold
To beautiful to give away
But if I keep on waiting
Hell is where I'll stay


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  • 17 years ago

    by Andy loves Jesus

    Good poem Sarah, 5/5 I actually really liked this one.

  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Much has to be paid to gain little in this world sadly. but many are willing to pay it, many more are willing to send them, and many more still believe if we ignore problems then they'll go away. a sad cycle. good poem

    your servant: