
by Allison   Mar 2, 2007

Demons in the shadows
Spying in the night
Watching you with yellowed eyes
Filling you with fright

Strange utterings fall from their lips
Things you've never heard
Tongues that have long since died
Weird and random words

Daring they move closer
Green skin and blackened claws
Knawing at your conscience
Eating your meat raw

They have come to torture you
Monsters of your mind
Figments of your imagination
Killers of another kind


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  • 17 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this is so good! i love all the discriptions that you put it. 5/5

    <UnToLd TrUtH>

  • 17 years ago

    by Rei

    Great poem Aly. You're awesme.

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    Another really dark poem. I enjoyed this alot it was an amazing write and an even better read. Perfectly penned loved the flow. Good work~mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is very deep and it's filled with lots of emotion! i love it! the flow was nice! and the rhyming was okay. 5/5


  • Wonderful poem. The flow and word choice was excellent. Keep it up 5/5