A sleepless night

by cowgirlstar26   Mar 2, 2007

A sleepless night

nightmares flood her mind
as she woke with tears
reaching for her teddy
she cried away her fears

reaching a notebook
she began to write
so many thoughts consumed her
she held her pen so tight

her eyelids fell heavy
the dullness of her eyes showed
her heart stayed restless
as shadows fell upon her window

the words ran dry
and she left her book
many sad pages filled out
and the obvious toll it took

her alarm sounded
the clouds brooded outside
the rain feel heavy
like the tears she cried

she couldnt believe it
the bruises remained there
along with the scars and cuts
no one saw, no one cared

she wore the same clothes
for the past week she looked the same
the teachers asked no questions
for she was at school each day

she walked home that evening
and went quickly to her room
she looked into the mirror
and saw her little life would end soon

she saw the other girls
pretending to hurt themselves
she was not like them
because she really needed help

no one saw her though
but they noticed the others
attention so freely wasted
when she was lost and tattered

so she told herself
no hope existed
she was alone
the tables still had shifted

she heard the door slam shut
she had to decide
no more bruises would be left
she was already dead inside

she locked the bathroom door
he couldnt get to her there
she tore apart a razor
and screamed "its not fair"

with a burst of tears she did it
strait up her wrist
no more pain would dwell
as she felt her razors kiss


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  • 17 years ago

    by Poeta

    Wow, that's terrifying and beautiful at the same time. Great imagery; 5 stars! Keep up the great work! ^^


  • 17 years ago

    by Ixora

    Oh wow i really love this one im suprised no one voted...10* ^_^


  • 18 years ago

    by LifeThroughMyEyes

    That was an awesome poem...
    i loved it...great job