My life, my world, my mum and dad . . .

by kate   Mar 2, 2007

Inspired every day, by the way you make me feel,
Showing me what's right and what's not,
Your love for me is so real.

Helping me through my hardest times,
Taking me in your hand's,
So proud then, even prouder now.

To be able to call you mum and dad,
Fills my world with light,
You gave me life in a wonderful sight.

If I was in trouble I could always turn to you,
That always put a smile on my face,
Knowing your there for me any time any place.

Showing me the world in lots of different ways,
Thanks isn't enough there's no words I could say.

But, thoughts appear in the back of my mind,
You're not always going to be there,
One day I'm gonna be on my own then who will care?


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  • 18 years ago

    by CrAzY LoVeR

    Hey this is a GREAT PEOM. Keep on writing.