You're my BEST FRIEND!

by Amber   Mar 2, 2007

Let me take the time
To say these words to you.
This is our last year together
But our friendship, I know, is true.

The day that I first met you,
Sitting at our bus stop,
I had put myself into this bubble,
One that shouldn't have been able to pop.

Now I do remember,
My first assembly at MHS.
I was the lost little lamb
But you never made fun of my dress.

Then I thought the worst had happened,
My true love leaving me be.
But you were there to comfort,
To soothe the broken heart in me.

That was freshman year,
Then silence held our summer.
Those 3 months were the hardest,
Not having my friend was a bummer.

Sophomore year came,
And the silence grew harder still,
Until the one thing that broke us up,
Brought us together again.

I remember late night chats
And sleepovers that could go on for days.
There is also that birthday cake
How did it get on the ceiling??

There were arguments and sob stories
And complaints about our mothers.
Big dog barks and old car spurts,
And what about our brothers?

Wow! Tenth grade flew right past us
And left us with this feeling of dread.
We were becoming young adults
And Junior year was just ahead.

One more year and we're all done!
Yeah, that's what we thought.
But nobody told us
Junior classes were so tough.

I remember lots of girl talk
And how every boy was no good.
Didn't our mothers warn us?
And hey! Remember Adam too?

There were walks outback
In those hot afternoons.
You're birthday party by the creek
This time cake got on the moon.

You told me my boyfriends would hurt me
But I just never seemed to listen.
Now I see why you did
And my eyes just want to glisten.

Then my mom moved to Texas
And we knew where that would lead.
I spent two months hoping for the best
But I couldn't run away on a steed.

So I begrudgingly followed
And hated every minute
For all of the things she made me do
She, not me, is the sinner.

So we made a plan
And put it full into motion,
So now I am back where I belong
And I no longer feel like I'm on the ocean.

So this is really it.
The year we've been waiting for.
4 more months and we are free
To subject ourselves to the college lore.

So now I want to thank you
For making this journey count.
I've never had a friend like you
Who puts up with my overbearing stout.

You are always there
When I needed you with me
And I will always love you for that.
Ashley Marie Graham, you are my BEST FRIEND!


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  • 18 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    I really enjoyed it

  • 18 years ago

    by Lily

    Mhs??by any chance is that a catholic high school?