
by cynthia   Mar 3, 2007

I let all my tear to fall
i still alone in this hollow hall
everyone ass me by like I'm not
even there i run to my next class
and stand alone like i do ever day
i look away to see nothing but darkness
the school bell ring we go home
i went home but no one there i go to my room
and grab a knife and cut my arm again like i do each day just to feel a;Little pain so i know that I'm still alive no one care about me
I'm alone why do i feel like this
i dont any more i hate please would anyone save me i scream in pain and let all my tear to fall my arm bleeding endless i get up and go to my bathroom and take a cold bath
i feel lost and empty do i have right to live i was a mistake i live alive alone everyone hate me wont anyone help me i scream to the darkness


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Amazing, for this poem has great potential. it is as I say both unique and perfect!

    5/5 David

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