Meant to be

by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm   Mar 3, 2007

There is something in me,
Something that I've found,
I see it within you,
We are on common ground.

A titanium chain,
That binds your heart to mine,
Keeping us together,
Just like an invisible line.

There is no doubting,
The connection from you to me,
There is no choosing,
Somethings are simply meant to be.

It is not always wanted,
But it is always here,
This chain between you and I,
It means we'll always care.

We will always be attached,
Sometimes it won't be fair,
But it's too hard to be with anyone else,
When our bond is always here.

Still I sit and watch you try,
Try to break free from me,
Don't you know there's no escaping,
The things that are meant to be?

I don't blame you for wanting her,
For yearning someone new,
Just to see what it is like,
I know, I have been there too.

I've also looked for new love,
Someone other than you,
But you can't fight whats meant to be,
I know you know it's true.

I'll let you be with her,
Give in to the desire,
But there will never be a way,
To cut this eternal wire.

Still I'll always wait,
Hoping that you will see,
There is no way of breaking,
The things that are meant to be.

It took time for me to realize,
But it's taking longer for you,
I know one day that you will admit,
That my theory was always true.

You will come back home,
The moment you finally see,
That there is no escaping,
The things that are meant to be.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Awwww cute I poems lol I'm sold I loved it!!

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Wow. your writing is so strong and deep...your rhyming makes the poem nicer keep up this amazing talent. 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kayla

    OMG hun awesome poems i love them all u are soo good at writting.. thx for the comments u left for my poems they were really nice xox keep up the awesome work babe

  • 18 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Wow, another great poem of yours...what else can i say 5/5 keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    I really enjoyed this poem, I could feel the sincerity in it. Great job, and great write, you have such a talent! I would not change one thing about it, 5/5