Happy Birthday To Me

by Blackthistle   Mar 3, 2007

Welcome to my party,
You are the first to arrive.
I invited all my friends
And everyone I know.
I'm wearing my best clothes
And I did my hair up special.
I decorated the house
A daddy baked a cake...

It's been an hour
Where are my friends?
Traffic must be bad
Or they had to walk.
The pizza will be here soon
I hope my friends arrive...

It's late at night
And the pizza's cold.
My hair has come down
I've taken off my gown.
It's been a long day
Of waiting for them.
The cake is in the fridge
I'll eat it tonight.
I threw out the pizza
My parents won't know
That I spent my birthday
All alone.

I'll tell them about
The games and the fun
I'll tell them then
That I met someone
I won't tell them my friends
Never came
I won't tell them how
My party was lame.
All because I hate their shame.

So happy birthday to me
You're my only guest
What do you think?
Wasn't my party the best?

This is about my party 2 years ago. Only 1 of my friends showed up and that was because they had to stay the night. My parents spent the day at the mall. My dad baked me a delicious ice cream cake that melted because me and my friend couldn't finish it. We threw 1 1/2 pizzas and kept 1 in the fridge.
I did then tell my parents that I had a huge and fun party and I was glad they let me have it.. Then I remember crying myself to sleep.


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Latest Comments

  • This is so sad...reminds me of how i spent my birthday once except it wasn't a party ...my parents were mad at me nd the only ppl dat said happy b-day 2 me were my 2 godsisters...even if this was 2 yrs ago ur weren't alone...

  • 18 years ago

    by Nick who Plays Pool

    That's sad, I'm sorry to hear that :(

  • 18 years ago

    by Magdalena

    This is sad i'm so sorry this had to happen to you i know its been 2 years ago but still i know how it feels this happend to me once but i didn't have a party....