
by Rahl The Layman Lord   Mar 3, 2007

Steeds spurting forward
Muscle toned
Bodies lathered
White sheen
Matching that of their companions
Nobel beast
Nobel Knight
Rushing onward
Labored wracking breaths
Beaded sweat covering hardened skin
Dirt thrown from thundering hooves
Eyes steady
Target seen
Growing bigger
Coming ever closer
Time slowing for two
Long poles leveled at the other
Eternity from wood and armor
A year in a breath
Fragmented wood exploding
Nobel beast flying on
Honorable knights flying back
Breath stolen
Thoughts vanishing
Hands searching vainly
Sight lost
Where is the movement of the steed
Something hard
Something bright
Hard ground below
Blue sky above
The joust has ended


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  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I lvoe your intensity in this..its jsut builds....ur a great writer ur in my favs...keep it up


  • 18 years ago

    by firexdancer

    Ya! i like this! it flows perfectly, and you can see the poem, you worded it so well. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow this is really good! i think you did an amazing job on this poem! it flowed really nicely! 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Kewls!!! lol thxs for the comments and great lets go back in time and play joust...ill watch haha jk okies =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Destiny Marie Babyy

    Hey Jas i really loved that one, and even better i kinda of understood a sense, but then again you are recieving this from the queen of dits, lol well i give it a 5/5