
by moneyz1   Mar 3, 2007

I seen you as a kid for the first time but you seem to have just despaired. But when we met up again recently it felt like there was already something there. I don't no what it is about her if it is the way she smiles or she does her hair or if its the way she can make me smile even when she not there. I felt something for you when we had never even talked all i new was that as a kid we had recess at the same park. But when we talked for the first time i felt a spark it was as if fire works went of and it was only you in me in that sec that moment that spot. You and me talk so much and yet we never run out of things to say. On valentines day 07 i gave you a bear and i told you to hold it because it would be as if i was always there. When i walk you home and you by my side i glance over and i crack a smile of joy because theres no one else i rather be walking with. Its Like you always say I'm your luza and your my dork and i wouldn't have it any other way Because I'm here to tell you that i want to stay so that when you fall down my hands there to pick you back up and even when crying yea I'm be trying to whipe thoughs tears of your face because ain't nobody ever gonna take your place. At one time my heart was gone with out a trace but my dork found it and put it back in its place and now that you hear i ain't ever letting you go because even though we just meet you are already my angel.


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  • 18 years ago

    by moneyz1

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