You're Still Here

by jello   Mar 4, 2007

My oldest and dearest friend
How strange life has been
People have came and went
But you're still here

I would like to thank you
For holding my hand when things were bad
And holding me tight, even though I tried to run away

I know I can be difficult and strange
I know I can push people away
Even you, my friend, but you didn't give in

Maybe you somehow sensed that I needed you
Or perhaps you were just being a good friend
Either way I am glad you're still here
I'm glad you haven't left me all alone

Dearest friend What would life be like without your lovely presence?
Honestly I really don't want to know
I love you too much to cause myself that pain

*this is for my best friend...I'm so glad she's been here for me these past 6 years


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kelsey

    This poem was so true about my friend Margaret...I really loved this poem.Thanks for the comment on mine.Hope to read more of yours.You can read more of mine if you like.Thanks again for the comment.Bye.

    ~Kelsey Marie~

  • 17 years ago

    by Carrie

    Thanks for the comment :D Keep writting Love Z.

  • 18 years ago

    by jello

    I am so happy Stephanie liked this, she told me she cried when she read it.