Comments : Don't Move On

  • 17 years ago

    by X2892

    WoW, i really thought that ur poem was excellent. the way u used ur words in the poem made it seem better, hardly any mistakes in it. I give ur poem a 5/5

  • Wonderful poem. A lot of emotion was put into it. And the structure was excellent. Good job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by firexdancer

    It has a lot of emotion, and it's really amazing definetely5/5
    luv gabriella

  • 17 years ago

    by Mousie

    Aww this one was really cute, definitely more original. good job good write, great flow and wording. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    Very good poem! it sounded more like a song to me as I read it. You did such a wonderful job! keep up the great work. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Just Lucy

    Awww wow Bri!! that was beautiful! i loved how you wrote it out aswel! great job!!! my favourite stanza was

    Noticing; it's not only fairy tales or made up stories.
    Wishes, fantasies, prayers, & dreams really do come true.
    The man that has always accompanied me in my dreams,
    I've come to find, that man was you.

    it just ended the piece beautifully! thx for your advice on my poem too, I will defiantely take it lol
    5/5 from me hun!!

    xoxo Lucy

  • 17 years ago

    by LithiumSacrifice

    5/5 that was amazing. soo well done i love it. i loved the last stanza.. been there at one point in time =] good job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    An amazing poem yet again. I really liekd teh repition of the title, "..... (Don't move on) ....." between each stanza. I think this really extended the point your were tryign to make. The end concluded the poem wonderfully. It was a really really sweet poem, and the emotion was wonderfully displayed. the rhyming was good, as was the rhythem of the poem. Keep writing , you have lots of talent! xx

  • 17 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Beautiful..just wow! I can't tell you that was just an amazing poem! Keep up the great work! You're an amazing writer. God Bless 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    I really like the way it was writen and i thought i was definatly one of your best poems, it really made me think and yea, another great great great poem by you for me to read

  • 17 years ago

    by ABake

    I really liked this.
    Your wording and the way your wrote this added a different level emotion to the overall peice.
    Great job!


  • 17 years ago

    by Neil Marsden

    Very articulate and well structured piece, quite astonishing talent and maturity for one so young in years!
    Well done!
