Every night in my dreams

by Chelsey   Mar 4, 2007

Every night in my dreams
I'm scared and I sweat
These nightmares won't go away
I'm left every night to fret

I remember when I was younger
My dreams were of me and a rainbow
Now I'm having visions of me and my family
Being trampled over by a tornado

The next night is no different
A terrorist attack happens on my street
Night after night I am dreaming this
I can't stand the ongoing heat

I wake up in a panic
My heart beating faster then a drum
The world has got these thoughts in my head
I hurt more than a sore thumb

The news chanells have got me so nervous
That when I go to sleep
The nation is under attack again
Or I'm being taken by some creep

Every night in my dreams
Something goes terribly wrong
I can't get to sleep watching the Tv
Or singing a soothing song

Now I know that my good Lord and Savior
Would let no harm or danger come my way
But it's sad that I have nightmares in the dark
And I'm even fearful in the day

When I hear a plane fly over
I feel I should duck or run
Every time I hear a loud noise
I think some strange man has a gun

Its ridiculous the world has me walking on egg shells
That when I'm supposed to feel relaxed and at peace
I have to dream about tragedies every single night
It's a shame, I dont think they will cease

I think its horrible I have to feel like this
A girl scared in her own town
A teen scared in their own nation
A 15 year old scared to lie down


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nick who Plays Pool

    Every night in my dreams, I forget what I dreamt, but really nice work, 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    I think your poem reflects the fears which are now too common in our society Chels, it saddens me and in al honesty it does...I never grew up with a fear like this at your age I never thought about war or terrorist attacks and I never slept with one eye open out of fear...I want you and I want our children to have that same priviledge I dont want them to live there lives in fear...what are we doing to ourselves, to our world Chels???

    Lets be the change sister

    I loved your poem!

    Eirisa xoo

  • 17 years ago

    by Cuddles

    WOW!! This is incredible. Most people don't think about the world's problems. I guess because they figure it's got nothing to do with them, but you take these problems and put them on our front lawn, so to speak. Don't know if you believe this, but it takes strength of character and courage to write about these things. Everyone's always so afraid to (myself included) so I admire you so much for writing this poem.It forces us to take a moment and think about the world around us and to offer up a prayer of thanks to God for keeping us safe. I know what it's like to have those dreams and to not feel safe on your own street. It really is scary. I am completely blown away by this. Excellent write!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    Very sad. The world has become a scarey place.

    I think its horrible I have to feel like this
    A girl scared in her own town
    A teen scared in their own nation
    A 15 year old scared to lie down

    Take care Cindy