
by ALEX   Mar 4, 2007

A small, little girl held her daddy's strong hand,
As they watched the parade and they waved to the band.

She turned four that summer and they went to the beach.
She was scared of the waves, so they stayed out of reach.

She grew up a little, and they moved far away.
The language was different, she learned more every day.

The next year, they moved back, she re-met her old friends.
Everyone had grown up, no more need for pretend.

A tragedy struck, it almost hurt her too.
If her daddy's own flight had been of the unfortunate few.

Another new house in a very small town.
They got lost very often, getting all turned around.

Her very best friend, she found at long last.
She lived right next door, always had such a blast.

A million school dances, her very first love.
Thirteen was the year we thought was sent from above.

Then our favorite summer, hanging out with the boys.
A day at the theme park, and too many ploys.

Fourteen, a new school year, new love and new friends.
She straightened her curls just to follow the trends.

In gym, she worked hard and she lost quite some weight.
Did so many crunches, and lied that she ate.

Just skin and just bones, not much flesh in between.
What happened, daddy's princess? She's become such a queen.

We found her alone, lying still in her bed.
Her skin had turned cold, and her diary read;

Dear daddy, I'm afraid this may be my last night.
I tried to be perfect; things didn't turn out right.

Please don't bury me, trapped, under six feet of dirt.
Just scatter my ashes in the place of my birth.

I like the idea of my soul living on.
Though I'm not sure it's the truth, the thought makes me strong.

So when the time comes, I'll accept this as fate,
My only regret is the pain I'll create.



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  • 17 years ago


    I do not know how you can write so beautifully with such a sad poem... but you're good at it

  • 17 years ago

    by Deana

    This was very good I like the way it reads like a story,good flow also.

  • 17 years ago


    Sweet, touching, and full of emotion. Nicely written, well done!


  • 18 years ago

    by Sourav

    Well well... This is soemthing extraordinary... Very touching... Wonderful poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by BRIT

    That has got to be one of the best poems i have did so good on it...keep up your good work i look forword to reading more of your work!!!

    ♥ BRiT ♥