by 777   Mar 5, 2007

I don't no why you said good by

but that day you did I'd thought I'd die

you never wanted me 2 be

i was a mistake you said

you wish i were died

you love them

but hate me

how could this be

you stand there laughing

as tears roll down my face

i no it's not fair

but i don't really care

you were there when i was born

you held me once

then let me go

you said i was not worth it

you said i was not fit

you said 2 hell with it

you left me there

with no one 2 care

you hate me with no reason why

so this is why i say good bye

but be for i do i have 2 say

i love you 2-

By:Jasman Dinzey


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gina

    Awh :(
    makes me fink of me daughter when she gonna b older cause her dads dont wanna no her x

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