Fight to the last man

by Independence Forever   Mar 5, 2007

Our plight is truly a pity
the enemy has most of the city

we have fought them from the very borders
"fight to the last" were our sad orders

this war has taken many a good life
we are losing, even when there is no strife

now they are at our gates, no help to be
we know we don't stabbed a chance, this we see

no hope left, just death's deep abyss
we all know whats to be done, no one amiss

charging ahead, straight at the oncoming foe
was there any way of avoiding this war? no one did know

fight to the last, that is our death shout
we know the score, in this war's last bout


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  • 18 years ago

    by Black night

    Great poem, though not too clear on which war you're on about.
    Loved it though.
    -Black night-

  • 18 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23