All I hear
Is sweet I love you
The way you miss me so much
Wanting only to have me there again
You lover me more and more
Iâ??m sorry for hurting you so
All I hear is sweet "I love you"
As tears fall from my eyes
That my lips like kissing clouds
My hair dark as the night
My eyes like liking looking into the night sky
I'm sorry
As tears fall from my eyes
You say to just tell you if I need you or if I don't
When I know I cant answer
I don't know what I want of you
All I know is I'm sorry for leaving you
Sorry for not calling something so simple
For not mending your broken heart as you hate me but love me more and more
All I hear is" sweet I love you s"
Tears falling for not mending your broken heart and fearing
When you say you love me more for life
And what will happen if I don't return, what will you do if I leave you forev