
by DJ   Mar 5, 2007

I wish things were a little easier
but unfortunately this is as good as it gets
if its alright with you I'm going to disappear
with suitcases packed full with regrets

I was never on board with giving up
the last thing i want is to let you down
so hate me for doing just what I do best
and don't miss me when I'm not around

Your nothing short of everything I want
and everything I could never have
your eyes inflict invisible butterflies
that are slowly tearing this heart in half

Its almost as though we said hello
just to walk away and say goodbye
not that your motives are on trial here
or I deserve any form of reason why

I'm sorry if part of you was counting on me
to penetrate your gorgeous disguise
just think of this as a permanent break
from all the shenanigans secrets and lies

I'll always care about you more then you know
because I never got the chance to say
all the things that are driving me insane inside
taking the wheel and steering me away

If ever you forget what defeat looks like
adjust your eyes to my direction
if there was a seat saved in your heart for me
I guess I've gone and lost this election

I'm sorry


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by mikayla

    Beautiful poem

  • 17 years ago

    by MyEscape

    WOW! This is going in my favorite poems! I can relate to this so well.... It was nothing short of amazing in flow, rhyme, and message. If only I could write like that!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ganga Maya Rizal

    Regret means that u learned a lesson on a new law u did not know by urself. its a natural law that happens to make us strong n wise but we must never let it come on us as failure.

    the person who did not understand u was the failure.....not u. u were the superpower there to give love n protection. if the other party did not want it then its not ur loss its the other party's loss.

    be cheerful n move ahead with the same kind of love for everyone n u'll never regret

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    Beautifully well written. Words profound and emtional. Regreting is the worst thing ever, which we all know. Great poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Aaaww...dAt wUz abSOluTeLy beAutiFuL...sAD aNd fuLL oF eMotiOn...You mAy tHinK dAt hOldiNg On maKes yOu strOng bUt sOmeTiMes iT iS leTTinG gO dAt maKes yOu strOngER..bEst HoPes aND wiShes...TC...5/5