how to raise me or how to take care of me you worked to take care of us
to the best you could you may not have
been there for all the times i needed u
but you are there now by not being there
i believe you have made me stronger then ever i never asked for anything to be handed to me in life.
you thought me to work for what i want in life an to be the best i can be in life.
for you always told me to never give up an thanks to you mom i am who i am today i owe my thanks to you for making me who i am...
for making me the mother i am for i did not know how to raise a child either but you was there.
if i needed you i am proud to have you as my mother if i died today an was reborn again i would want you to be my mother...
i will alway love you if you ever need to talk i will be here to listen
please don't think you have lost me just remember i am in your heart i will always be there i have made a life for me an your grandchildren we have to make hard choices in live an this was one of my biggest choices
i have ever made i am just protecting my children like any good mother would for you have done the same so please dint hate me or forget me for the choices i have made
for you are my mother
the best mother i could ever have
there is nothing like a mother's touch
to brighten the day and fill a home with love
her own special way i want to thank you for filling