Let The Scars Do The talking

by S.L.T.T.E.   Mar 5, 2007

My scars tell my life story,
ya wanna hear it?
It's not a happy ending,
cause' this ain't no fairy tale.

The first slice is on my fore arm,
right by my vein.
My mother told me she hated me,
that sure was a confidence gain.
I won't tell ya the rest,
I'll let my scars do the talking.

The next one is a keeper,
it's on the pulse of my neck.
My so called "best friend"she wished I was dead
I was only trying to fulfill her wish.
Ya wanna know what happens next?
I won't tell you.
Let the scars do the talking.

This last one is my favorite,
it's by my heart. (Whats left of it)
My bf told me he thought I was dirty-trash,
And I did what people usually do w/trash.
I tried to burn the so called trash that I am.
The rest is not a pretty tale.
I won't tell ya what happens next,
Let the scars do all of the talking.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Deanna


  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Do you have a boyfriend?..i actually recently got out of a relationship that I had with this guy, Drew, and we had been going out for 1 year and almost 6 months, but then he had to move, so we just decided to end it..comment back!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Have you ever had any really cool competitions...like my school goes to new york alot..and over the december break we went to tenessee and we performed in the liberty bowl and we won the comp.there so wegot to do the pregame and halftime show..it was quite the memory haha

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Oh wow...that was soo good!...it got really deep down...and is this true?..dont worry your not bothering me...haha...i like commenting poems and getting comments haha...comment back!