A Place Unlike a Home

by The Queen of Spades   Mar 6, 2007

In this place that she calls home
She is a stranger
And she is alone
Every sound she makes
Every move she takes
Is matched by a fist
Surpassing her tone
A prisoner in a place
Supposing to be happy
Supposing to be free
But all she feels are shackles
Of shouts, bruises, misery
Her heat is battered
Her face is torn
Her body beaten
Her soul forlorn
Nothing can help her now
In the idea of god she mourns
She is a prisoner
She is a slave
And she is very, very alone
She is crying
She is dying
In this place that she called home


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  • 17 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    I think the flow/beat could use a little work, but the rhyme scheme is great, and so is the topic.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley Ann

    Aw thats sad.. very well written! I loved it because it caught my attention. The descriptions were well said and I think that you did a wonderful job! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by azii

    Sad, but unbelievably beautiful!!
    10/5 x)
    Keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    This was so heart wrenching. it was so well written, nothing was forced. i could read it with so much ease. well done once again hun. chin up.
    Much Love And Many Kisses, Bex.