What's Love?

by Silently He walks   Mar 7, 2007

Did you ever love me?
Did you ever care?
Did you ever think about me?
Wishing I was there?
Did you ever realize?
The way you made me feel?
The love I felt for you?
That I could not conceal.
Did you ever notice?
The way I worked so hard?
To attempt to make you happy,
Only to look like a retard.
Or was this all for show?
Was it a mistake?
Did you ever love me?
Or were you just a fake?


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  • 15 years ago

    by Always and Never

    Lol, this poem made me want to cry and laugh at the same time, it completely explained the shit i was going through a few years back, and i love the retard part. that made me lol. great poem btw. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Amanda

    I will always be here
    there is nothing to fear
    I will always care
    and you can always share
    even if love is a mistake
    the chance ill always take
    sometimes this will be it
    the two with the perfect fit...
    thanks for your comment!

  • 15 years ago

    by firexflys

    Sadly enough its a chance every time anyone starts to love some one else.. you did a great job on this one. so many people can feel you on different levels


  • 17 years ago

    by Caitlin Scharff

    This was so inspiring. It reminded me of a poem I wrote a long time ago. The emotion put behind this was very great. Keep it up and im me if you want.

  • 17 years ago

    by adelinaxx

    Loved it
    i love the emotion
    that you portrayed
    throught it
    keep it up :)

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