Why do I have to live with this agony of not being with you
We were meant for each other
You're the only one I ever loved or ever will
I don't think I can go on much longer
I'm holding on by only a strand
I love you so much
I can't live without you
You're everything you're my world
You mean everything to me
Why can't I get you out of my head
I can't stop loving you
But I hate you so much right now
But I know part of my heart still loves you
And I can't let that go
It's my last memory of you
I finally found you, the man for me
And I lost you and you broke my heart
But for some reason I still love you
If I didn't love you I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be who I am today
I need you and I know that you know that
I can't live without you
When I'm with you everything's different
All my pain magically disappears
I become whole again
Neither time nor space can make me forget you
I know deep down in my heart you will never come back
But I can still dream that you will
You're with her but it doesn't matter
I still love you and always will