That special someone

by Elapsed   Mar 8, 2007

I tell you what I want, in the hope that is what you have to offer. Yes commitment is what I desire, honesty is what I hold dear and trust is how it should be. A love so strong that nothing can go wrong, I'm not after a casual thing, or some one night fling.
A deeper love, a love where judgment of ones past is just that, the past. I want to be there when you are down, to hold your hand and caress your head against my chest. To tell you everything will be OK on those rainy days.
Please don't tell me to shut up when I tell you how beautiful you are on your so called ugly days. I don't care about your money or fame, I just want your undivided attention. The expressions of love come from the lips, heart, eyes and through actions.
Live your life and be free, If its meant to be then we shall soon see. No one is perfect, love is hard work and there are those ups and downs, which are of my belief, sometimes they can be a good thing. Believe in your self and in your love, soon enough that day will come where you find that special someone.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    WOW, by far the best so far and you really hit the nail right on the head with this one ^.^ I'm going through a hard time right now with my boyfriend and really needed to hear this one right now =) Thank you for that ^.^ Fantastic poem and it more then deserves a 5 =)

  • 17 years ago

    by *~"Hot Chocolate" author*~

    So, so true. I truly love this poem it should be in a hallmark card only its deep.

  • 18 years ago

    by NashvilleBlues

    And to Add - I give you a 5.0.

  • 18 years ago

    by NashvilleBlues

    I really like this poem. That's exactly how I feel like love should be...except I see it a little differently since I'm a girl and all, but amazing poem and thank you for your comment on mine!