A modern day witch hunt

by KAP DAR   Mar 8, 2007

Whats all this madness I see on TV
society as willing accomplices
on the war path
to personal freedoms
whats plain to me
its not all what it seems

a fight against life
that starts all in part
with laws encroaching in to
personal space with in the mind
on personal rights to think
our rights to dream
rights to Wright a teen
conversing becomes
a criminal case
what appears Innocent or not
is not always what you think
when did two wrongs make it right?

dangling carrots Orange and ripe
stained are the hands of minors
that work the mines
society has always been
a jackass
for the wealthy elite
the butt of all jokes
if your able to think

brought to the mines
by there parents
smashed and bloody
are the fragile hands
of minors
digging for iron ore
in darkened caves
they must explore
a family of four
could work for days
just to earn enough
to dwell another day
on a trip to Jambunathe
out side of Hospet
there wore half as many children
most of whom ran away
from the ore pits
back to there tents
as it dawned on me
thats just the way it is
as things change
the more they stay
the same


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